Contact the Vauxhall Society at vauxhallcs@gmail.com
The Vauxhall Society brings people together with topical news and commentary, as well as monthly local history walks and meetings addressed by guest speakers on matters of Vauxhall interest. There is also an online Vauxhall history archive.
Founded in 1969, The Vauxhall Society is charitable and a consultative body with no political affiliation and membership is open to anyone who lives, works or is otherwise interested in the district.
There are many community, Friends’ and residents’ groups throughout the constituency whose interest is in a particular place, a library, park, street or district. Some indeed are members of The Vauxhall Society, which sees its job as to stimulate public interest in and care for the character, history and future of Vauxhall to the benefit all who live or work here
Members receive online news updates and notification of events. A volunteer executive committee manages The Society’s activities. Committee members are elected each Autumn at the Annual General Meeting.
Committee members
Dr Ross Davies – Chairman
Rosalind Hallifax – Treasurer
Edith Holtham